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An arm lift, or Brachioplasty, is a procedure in which excess skin and fatty tissue are removed. If you struggle with fatty, loose upper arms, this surgery achieves a remarkable improvement, restoring a youthful, fit, firm, and sculpted look. As a patient-first plastic surgery practice serving the community, Denton Plastic Surgery performs arm lifts for patients whose goals include sleeker, more athletic arms.

Why an Arm Lift?

Many people with excess sagging skin on their arms feel embarrassed to show their arms and pressured to wear long sleeves no matter how hot the weather is. Skin laxity due to aging or weight loss can be distressing, but there is a solution. This surgery is most often performed on those who have lost a significant amount of weight either through diet or surgical weight loss, or those who have developed sagging upper arms due to age. The surgery can be performed independently or as part of an overall body contouring procedure.

Benefits of an Arm Lift

  • No more loose or droopy upper arms
  • A firmer, sculpted look to the upper arms
  • Greater confidence in your appearance
  • Freedom to wear sleeveless tops without embarrassment


*Individual Results May Vary

Are You a Candidate for an Arm Lift?

You may be a good candidate for this custom procedure if:

  • You feel that the skin on your upper arms has become uncomfortably loose and saggy
  • You can pinch a large amount of skin on your underarms
  • Your weight is relatively stable, and you are not significantly overweight
  • You do not suffer from a medical condition that results in slow healing
  • You are a non-smoker or can abstain for a few weeks before and after the surgery
  • You have a positive attitude with realistic goals
  • You feel loose or lumpy fat deposits beneath your upper arms
  • You are self-conscious about the flabby appearance of your upper arms

What Happens During an Arm Lift?

An arm lift is typically an outpatient surgery performed under general anesthesia. Our surgeons will create an incision on the inner side of your arms, where the scars will be hidden. After using liposuction to treat excess fat, Drs. Flugstad and Rivet will remove excess skin and tissue to create the taut, youthful appearance you desire. Dissolvable sutures are used to close the incisions so that no stitches must be removed. These are meticulously applied to minimize scarring.

What Is Involved in an Arm Lift Recovery?

Typical recovery time from an arm lift will take about two weeks. For four weeks or longer, depending upon your individual healing rate, you must avoid all strenuous activity or heavy lifting. Wrapping your arms and keeping them elevated helps to reduce swelling after surgery. The team at Denton Plastic Surgery will supervise your recovery process.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Will I be in pain?

    With all surgical procedures, some discomfort is to be expected. An arm lift is not especially painful. Follow your aftercare instructions to help speed healing. Following your postoperative guidelines for arm elevation as well as no lifting or stretching until your surgeon advises will speed healing and produce a more ideal result. You will be given necessary pain relievers, but your pain should not be extreme. Drs. Flugstad and Rivet are meticulous and care about their patients, and they will take steps to ensure your comfort during and after surgery.

  • Will I have bandages on my arms?

    Your arms will be bandaged after surgery. The bandages will be removed at a follow-up appointment with your surgeon. You will have special protective tape on your scars for 2-3 weeks. Your surgeon may use ace wraps or compressive sleeves to help reduce swelling and improve arm contour.

  • Will my upper arms look better right away?

    Your arms will initially be swollen, but as the swelling recedes and your incisions heal, your new look will be revealed. An arm lift is a procedure that has very gratifying results, and your new look will continue to improve as the tissues fully heal. If you are plagued by lax upper arms with excess skin and fat that no exercise or diet has been able to resolve, an arm lift can restore a toned, fit appearance.

Denton Plastic Surgery has helped several patients enjoy slimmer, smoother appearances through arm lifts. For more information about arm lifts and whether a brachioplasty can help you, contact our office for a consultation. Use our online form or call (940) 287-3795 today.