Home » Non-Surgical » Dermal Fillers

The latest generation of dermal fillers, when injected correctly, are among the most effective non-surgical anti-aging treatments. Fillers can be used to smooth lines and wrinkles, create a lift to sagging skin by restoring cheek volume, and create plumper, more attractive lips.

Why Choose Denton Plastic Surgery?

Dr. Flugstad and Dr. Rivet are plastic surgeons with extensive training in reconstructive procedures, with years of experience performing successful cosmetic procedures in a state-of-the-art facility. At Denton Plastic Surgery, you can expect dermal filler injections to be performed with precision, for results that appear exceptionally natural – never overfilled.

Customized Facial Rejuvenation Treatments

Dermal fillers, when injected by a specialist, can help you maintain a refreshed, youthful look for years longer than nature intended. The first step is a personal evaluation of your facial skin and a discussion about what you envision.

Dermal fillers can be a highly effective way to restore your facial skin to a more youthful appearance and can be used for the following:

  • Smooth lines, wrinkles, and folds
  • Create more definition at the jawline
  • Plump lips
  • Subtly lift facial structure by adding volume on the cheek
  • Smooth smile line
  • Smooth frown lines
  • Smooth creases, lines on the brow
  • Smooth crow’s feet

What Are the Best Dermal Fillers?

While there are several excellent products that could be used to enhance your facial look, the “best” dermal filler is the right dermal filler for the area to be treated. Dr. Flugstad and Dr. Rivet may use different dermal fillers to achieve the refreshed look you envision. In the application of fillers, the success and subtlety of the outcome are the direct results of the skills of your injector. Dr. Flugstad and Dr. Rivet take a conservative approach, as they understand that their patients want to look refreshed and younger – not “worked on” or overfilled. Always choose your injector with care – it matters.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who is a candidate for dermal fillers?

    Candidates for dermal fillers should have realistic expectations concerning the results and be in overall good health. Dermal fillers are contraindicated for people with some types of autoimmune diseases, such as Hashimoto’s, lupus, Crohn’s disease, and rheumatoid arthritis.

  • How long do dermal fillers last?

    Each type and brand of filler lasts a specific period of time, although the actual time varies slightly from patient to patient. Generally, you can expect to need retreatment within about three to six months. For dermal fillers to increase cheek volume, the formula is thicker and can last up to a year or even longer.

  • Do dermal fillers have side effects?

    The most common side effects of injections with dermal fillers are redness and swelling at the injection site. This typically goes away within hours or a few days. Most people simply return to their busy day with no concern after treatment. We will review your medical history to ensure you do not have a condition that could endanger you.

    Whether dermal fillers are right for you will be determined by your surgeon during your consultation, at which time he will discuss your complete medical history, including any prescription and over-the-counter medications you are taking, as well as vitamins and herbal products. If a dermal filler is contraindicated, you will be advised on the optimal alternate treatment for your situation.

  • Will I see results right away?

    With dermal fillers, your results are immediate. Lines, wrinkles, and creases will be smoothed, and you will watch the process happen. When you leave our clinic, your lines and wrinkles will be smoothed, and you will look more youthful and refreshed.

  • Do I need a facelift, or will dermal fillers make me look younger?

    Many people can achieve a significant improvement in facial appearance with injectable dermal fillers. However, there comes a time when these products are no longer capable of creating a natural look, at which point you may want to consider a facelift – it is the ultimate method for facial rejuvenation, with long-lasting results. Dr. Flugstad and Dr. Rivet will help you decide if facial fillers will benefit you.

To schedule your injectable fillers consultation, contact our office at (940) 287-3795.