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Patient 11

Liposuction B&A 11A

*Performed by Dr. Nicholas Flugstad

* Individual Results May Vary

Patient 12

Liposuction B&A 12A

This young woman had significant excess fat of her thighs and calves. She had circumferential liposuction of her thighs and calves. She had significant fat removal while maintaining a very smooth contour and shape of her legs.

*Performed by Dr. Nicholas Flugstad

* Individual Results May Vary

Patient 13

Liposuction B&A 13A

This patient had a large amount of excess fat around her torso, and was very motivated to remove it. She had large volume liposuction of her circumferential torso including abdomen, hips, waist (360 liposuction). She lost over 10 lb of fat in one liposuction treatment.

*Performed by Dr. Nicholas Flugstad

* Individual Results May Vary