Home » Brazilian Butt Lift » What Should I Do to Prepare for a Brazilian Butt Lift?

Are you considering Brazilian butt lift surgery? A Brazilian butt lift is an effective way to achieve a more shapely and curvaceous figure. Brazilian butt lift surgery combines liposuction and fat transfer to remove fat from your problem areas and increase volume around the hips and buttocks.

Brazilian butt lifts are popular plastic surgery procedures, but many patients are unaware of what to expect. Part of the Brazilian butt lift journey is preparation, and following these preparatory steps will help you have a more satisfactory BBL experience.

Get Medical Clearance

A Brazilian butt lift is performed under general anesthesia. As an anesthetic precaution, if you have any medical diagnoses, you should get medical clearance from your regular physician in the weeks leading up to your procedure. 

Medical clearance might consist of a physical examination and complete blood panels. In some cases, diagnostic imaging may be needed. This is all to ensure that you are healthy enough to undergo general anesthesia.

Stay Active

It is important to stay active in the weeks leading up to your Brazilian butt lift. Exercise is great for your overall health and will promote a better surgical outcome in the long run. 

After your surgery, you will need to avoid exercise and strenuous activity for several weeks. This makes it even more important to remain active beforehand, helping your body stay strong and ready to undergo surgery.

Avoid Anti-Inflammatories

For at least two weeks before surgery, you must avoid taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). These include medications like Advil and ibuprofen. 

Avoiding these is required before a Brazilian butt lift for two reasons: 

  1. They can cause excess bleeding during your procedure.
  2. They can delay the healing process.

Quit Smoking

If you are a smoker, you will be asked to quit smoking several weeks before your Brazilian butt lift. Ideally, you should quit as soon as possible. Being an active smoker increases surgical risks and can hinder your recovery process. 

During your consultation, you will be instructed as to when to discontinue tobacco and nicotine use in order to have an optimal outcome.

Do Not Eat or Drink the Night Before Surgery

The night before your surgery, you will need to avoid eating or drinking after a certain time. Your stomach must be completely empty as an anesthetic precaution. Patients are typically asked to stop eating and drinking at least 12 hours before their procedure begins.

Where to Get Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery

If you are interested in Brazilian butt lift surgery, choose Denton Plastic Surgery. Our skilled doctors, Dr. Flugstad and Dr. Rivet, have years of experience in cosmetic surgery and have helped thousands of patients reach their aesthetic goals. Call us today to learn more about Brazilian butt lift surgery or to schedule a consultation appointment.