Home » Face » How Do Facelifts for Men Differ from Women?

We all want our looks to match how young we feel, but as we age, it can be disheartening when some of our distinguished features begin to change or fade. As a solution, many men have begun to look at facelifts as a way to provide a younger and refreshed appearance. A male facelift can help enhance your strong features, add definition to the jawline, and provide a more rugged and masculine look overall. 

While one in ten patients who get facelifts are men, it is not widely known how the procedure differs from that of women and what considerations must be made. 

What Is a Facelift?

In both men and women, facelifts are performed to improve visible signs of aging. A facelift is a cosmetic procedure that aims to create youthful contours by tightening or smoothing out the tissue in the lower face and neck. Typically, a facelift seeks to address deep wrinkles and fine lines as well as sagging neck skin and drooping jowls, to give the face a more vibrant and rejuvenated appearance.

How Does a Male Facelift Differ from a Female Facelift?

The reason many men and women seek to get a facelift is to reduce the appearance of aging and look younger. However, there are several differences in how the procedure may be performed in men and women – which pose unique considerations for a surgeon during a male facelift. 

  • Achieving a natural look will always be a key objective of any facelift. The denser facial muscle and connective tissue in males may require adjustments to be made in the procedure to achieve this. Liposuction on the neck area can be more difficult during facelift surgery due to the thick and fibrous nature of the fat, and heavier facial tissue may mean a full lift is required (making the mini lift a less viable option for men). 
  • The differences in the facial structure in male patients often require incisions and smoothing of the skin to be executed differently than their female counterparts. For example, to keep the integrity of the beard and the shape of the facial hair, the incision is routinely made in front of the ear cartilage instead of on it. 
  • Also, to make sure the beard and facial hair does not get pulled unnaturally to the side, a technique can be employed by the surgeon to produce more of a vertical pull when tightening and smoothing the skin to enhance facial features in male facelifts – opposed to the horizontal pull performed in most facelifts for women. 
  • Scars and their relationship to the hairline and the facial hair are important considerations your surgeon will discuss with you in your consultation.

What Can a Male Facelift Achieve for You?

Many men are interested in the benefits that facelifts can provide because they want to match how they look with how great they feel. A male facelift can help you look younger and boost confidence by revitalizing your facial features. Facelift surgery can help reduce fatty areas under the chin, known as jowls, smooth out wrinkles and fine lines, and tighten loose skin to give you more of a vigorous profile. While facelifts in women often focus on achieving a softer contour to the face, the opposite is typically true of male facelifts, where the aim is to create a more “rugged” masculine look and chiseled jawline. 

If you think you would be a good candidate or would like more information on the procedure, learn more about facelifts at Denton Plastic Surgery.